Kariong Mountains High School

Unity Knowledge Respect

Telephone02 4340 0246



Kariong Mountains High School is committed to working with the community to form partnerships in learning that will extend beyond the normal curriculum and support our purpose of "developing the skills required for students to be successful citizens of the twenty-first century". In working with local organisations and businesses, we are also involving them in determining the skills and attitudes that they require for their organisations and looking for ways to include this in our broad curriculum. At present we have formed partnerships with:

  • AECG
  • Australian Reptile Park



The NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc. is a non for profit Aboriginal organisation that provides advice on all matters relevant to education and training with the mandate that this advice represents the Aboriginal community viewpoint.

The NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc. promotes respect, empowerment and self-determination and believes the process of collaborative consultation is integral to equal partnership and is fundamental to the achievement of equality.

The NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc. advocates cultural affirmation, integrity and the pursuit of equality to ensure that the unique and diverse identity of Aboriginal students is recognised and valued.



In the Beginning, the Dreamtime


In the early 1970s an upsurge of Indigenous cultural pride led to the birth of a unique new dance form: Contemporary Australian Indigenous dance.

This new dance form sprang from the collaborations of Indigenous Aboriginal dance creators, Western trained choreographers and traditional cultural owners, who came together in performance and workshops, which evolved into workshops for young people keen to learn and perform this new dance fusion.

In 1976 a small group of students from both town and country began the first formal year-long Careers in Dance training course.

The performance arm of this program became known as the Aboriginal/ Islander Dance Theatre (AIDT) – a vibrant touring company employing students and graduates of the new Careers in Dance training program.

Very soon the theatre group was receiving invitations to perform at festivals across over the world, and the training side evolved into the National Aboriginal and Islander Skills Association – now known as NAISDA Dance College.

For further information regarding NAISDA please view their website www.naisda.com.au

Australian Reptile Park


This famous national multi-award-winning zoo is now regarded as one of the country’s premier attractions. It is the only zoo in Australia committed to saving lives with a venom-milking program in place for the past 50 years. The Park also runs education programs aimed at providing hands-on experience for K-6 students.

With a focus on bioscience, Kariong Mountains High School is proud to be associated with the Australian Reptile Park.
