Kariong Mountains High School

Unity Knowledge Respect

Telephone02 4340 0246


Parent resources

Handy links and resources for parents and carers

Welcoming Year 7 to KMHS in 2025

In welcoming and preparing Year 7 cohort for the transition to high school, Stage 3 students from the surrounding primary schools are invited to participate in gala days, science week and the orientation day in Term 4

Compass - Student & Parent Portal


Compass Portal is used for school administration, communication and payments.

Once registered, parents/carers can use the portal app to manage absence notes, excursion permission notes and payments, view and download published reports, send messages, access student timetable information and more.

If you have any questions please contact the school on 4340 0246.

Permission Notes

Please contact the school If you have any trouble accessing or completing permission notes via the parent portal.

Accelerated Program

Graphic for KMHS selective class

Kariong Mountains High School offers an accelerated program for gifted and talented students, which you can read more about by following the link below:

KMHS High Achievers Selective Class

2025 Equipment Lists

Equipment stationery tile

The PDF links below include handy lists of equipment students need for years 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Year 7 Equipment List

Year 8 Equipment List

Year 9 Equipment List

Year 10 Equipment List

BYOD & Laptop Day Loan

Laptop loan graphic

Day Loan Laptop System

KMHS encourages the 'Bring Your Own Device' option as it can streamline the connection between learning at school and learning at home. Students unable to bring a device such as a laptop, Chromebook or Macbook will need to borrow a Chromebook from school for the day.

To register on the Day Loan System, please complete the contract by following the link below (student and parent/caregiver must complete the form):

Assessment Policy Booklets and Reporting Information

Assessment guidelines, schedules and policies can be accessed on the page below, where you will also find a handy ‘Keep Calm’ guide to terms and jargon at the top of the page.

School Fees and Payments

The school fees page provides information about subject fees relating to each Year group/Stage.

School Buses and Road Safety

School bus services to and from the school are provided by Busways for students from the Mountains Community. Visit the link below for information and the current timetable:

Bus transport information

Road Safety

Road Safety information from NSW Government and Central Coast Council includes important reminders for keeping safe around schools.

Central Coast Council - Driving and Parking around Schools

NSW Government - Keeping our Kids Safe around Schools

Student Wellbeing

The links below provide quick access to information about our Welfare Team, Counselling and Medication protocols.

Contact Protocols

School Office Hours

The school phone line (4340 0246) is open from 8.30am – 3.30pm each school day. Office staff will cordially respond to your enquiries and ensure that messages are sent through to staff in as timely a period as possible.

Parents are welcome to come to the school office and make personal enquiries or to arrange an appointment. All visitors are reminded that they must report to the office on entering school grounds as per child protection guidelines.

Mobile Phones

From Term 4 2023 mobile phones, iPods, headphones, Bluetooth devices, earphones/buds and other personal music or communication devices are not permitted for use within the boundaries of the school, on excursions or at school carnivals.  If students have mobile phones at school, they must be switched off or placed in silent mode and secured in their allocated pouch before entering the school grounds.  


Relevant messages will be passed onto students as soon as possible after they are received. It is appreciated that enough time is given to ensure student receives the message especially if it is a change in home time routine.

Email Messages

The school's email account is processed each morning. Messages to staff are forwarded at this time. However, response from staff may be up to 48 hours to allow for timetabling constraints. Please do not send student work to the school's email account for printing as we are unable to accommodate these requests.