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Kariong Mountains High School

Kariong Mountains High School

Unity Knowledge Respect

Telephone02 4340 0246


About our school

Established 2010

Kariong Mountains High school opened to its first cohort of Year 7 and Year 8 students on February 22nd 2010. Our inaugural Year 12 students (2014) finished on an educational high with excellent results in mathematics First in the State on the Merit Roll a first for any school, from any system, on the Central Coast.

Our core values of 'Unity Knowledge Respect' continue to drive our decision making and determination to provide the most successful learning environment for our students.

Introducing Kariong Mountains High School

The booklet below provides useful information about the school curriculum and history, current teaching and administration staff, uniform, attendance and enrolment.

High Achievers and Selective Streams

Kariong Mountains High School has a specialised focus in biosciences/technology and a multistage and multimodal approach to catering for gifted and talented students in the classroom.


The opening of Kariong Mountains High school was the result of a consistent and determined effort over two decades by a group of community citizens determined to provide a high school for their children. As a result of this effort, a 7-12 high school, with a biosciences/technology focus was built in the grounds of Mt Penang Parklands.

Partnership in Education

This is a public-private partnership school and as such is managed by a consortium until 2035, upon which time the school reverts to government ownership. This partnership results in the consortium managing all asset and grounds maintenance and the teaching staff managing all the educational responsibilities of schooling.

The school was formally handed over to the Department of Education and Communities on February 19th 2010. Until this time students and staff were housed in temporary accommodation at Carinya and McCabe Cottages at Mt Penang. Students first official day on the new premises was February 22nd 2010. The school opened with 19 teaching staff, two support staff, four office staff and most importantly of all – 222 enthusiastic students.

The Government Architect’s Office has undertaken a historical representation of and around the site for the new Kariong Mountains High School, providing information about the historical use of the site.

The school has a commitment to develop its own historical interpretative strategy to preserve information of the milestones achieved in the first five years of operation.

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