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Kariong Mountains High School

Kariong Mountains High School

Unity Knowledge Respect

Telephone02 4340 0246


Learning initiatives

Our school has a commitment to improving student achievement through a multi-faceted approach to what we have termed 'Management of Learning'.

Elevate Education

This initiative is designed to teach students the skills necessary to successfully manage their time, their homework and assessment tasks and, consequently, improve their results.

As part of the program, all year groups from Years 7 -12 will be undertaking study skills seminars with Elevate Education.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is about manipulating the learning environment at KMHS so that students can learn better.

  • PBL identifies problem areas in the school, puts in place strategies and develops positive behaviours to benefit us all.
  • PBL explicitly teaches skills and desirable behaviours. It relies on positive approaches and builds relationships between staff and students.
  • PBL is not limited to a particular group. It is for EVERYONE!

Within the context of our motto, Unity, Knowledge, Respect; our PBL posters which are seen in every classroom give a guideline of expected behaviours.

PBL in Practice – Electronic Devices Policy

One successful initiative that has been adopted as a KMHS policy was our targeting of acceptable use of electronic devices.

Framed in the positive, icons are placed on the board clearly indicating the items of equipment that may be used in the lesson. Use of a device that is not appropriate or does not appear on the board has a series of clear consequences for the student.

This initiative has reduced the number of incidences of inappropriate use and allowed for greater learning time in class.

Icons used to support PBL

The icons below are used to identify learning tools, protective clothing, devices and other materials required in a particular learning environment.