Canteen ordering
Lunch orders can be ordered via flexischools online or clearly written on a paper bag with student’s NAME & YEAR and handed into the canteen. Enclose the money and hand the bag into the the canteen before the first bell at the breakfast window. The canteen has free spare paper bags if any student wishes to write an order at the counter.
Students can order their lunch and can also buy fruit, ice creams, snacks and drinks over the counter.
Food allergies
If you are a student with food allergies (e.g. to peanuts, dairy, wheat or lactose), please come & talk to the canteen supervisor, who can advise what foods you can order on the menu, and/or what foods can be ordered in especially for you.
We are always on the lookout for volunteers – if you can spare one day a week, fortnight or month, we’d love to have your help! Come spend the day or just during busy serving time. If you are interested in being part of your child’s school in a fun and engaging way, please contact us. Carolyn, our school canteen supervisor, will be in touch to arrange times and to answer any questions you might have.
Canteen operation
Our school canteen is directed by the School P&C Committee. All profits from the canteen are put back into the School’s P&C, to help better educate our students.
Please feel free to contact the canteen supervisor at the school on: 4340 0246