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Kariong Mountains High School

Kariong Mountains High School

Unity Knowledge Respect

Telephone02 4340 0246


Computer technology

Technology is a Stage 4 school developed course designed to build student competency in computer technologies. Students are introduced to a range of tools and processes that support their learning in other Key Learning Areas.

Key learning areas in Computer Technology include:

  • Netiquette
  • Cyber safety / Cyber bullying
  • QWERTY typing program
  • Emailing
  • Word processing
  • Research skills
  • Spreadsheets
  • Databases
  • Presentation Tools
  • One Note
  • Safe Social Networking
  • Digital Images
  • Podcasts and Vodcasts
  • Graphics
  • Wikis and Blogging
  • Using Moodle
  • Animation
  • Adobe Photoshop