Students exhibit a wide range of mathematical skills and aspirations. Some students may need to develop the mathematical skills necessary to function in daily life. Other students may seek to address more challenging mathematics to prepare them for the highest-level courses in Year 11 and Year 12.
Mathematics is a compulsory subject in Years 7 -10. For this reason, Stage 5 has been expressed in terms of the three sub-stages, Stage 5.1, Stage 5.2 and Stage 5.3. As well as studying the Stage 5.1 content, the majority of students will study some or all of the Stage 5.2 content. Similarly, as well as studying the Stage 5.2 content, some students will study some or all of the Stage 5.3 content. The Stage 5.3 course is the highest level of mathematics studied in years 7-10. Movement between the sub-stages is possible, and all decisions are made on case by case basis.