Kariong Mountains High School

Unity Knowledge Respect

Telephone02 4340 0246



School Policies & Procedures

Kariong Mountains High School Policies and Procedures provide guidance on the processes used to manage all incidents and activities associated with being a member of the school community. Policies are either determined at a school level or are mandated by the Department of Education and Communities. Where possible, the P&C is involved in their development to ensure that they reflect community values and the school’s motto of ‘unity knowledge respect’. Policies are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they are appropriate and applicable to our school’s context.

Summary of each policy below with link to view the full version:

Aboriginal Education

Kariong Mountains High School’s Aboriginal Education Policy is focused on consolidating and improving on existing educational outcomes for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. This includes specifically improving retention and academic results from Year 7 to Year 12, bringing them into line with comparable outcomes with the student population as a whole.

Aboriginal Education

Acceptable Use of Internet and Email

The use of the Internet and email services at Kariong Mountains High School will provide secure access for students and staff, while assisting students to develop research and communication skills necessary to use the services productively and appropriately.

Acceptable Use of Internet and Email

Anti-Bullying Plan

Kariong Mountains High School Anti-bullying Policy review was undertaken in 2016 by a team representative of students, staff and parents. Wider representation of student and parents/carers was ensured through surveys and workshops. The plan was communicated to the school and the wider community via presentations, lessons, the school newsletter and website. The current plan was reviewed and updated in 2024.

Anti-Bullying Plan 2024

Report an Incident

To report an incident you can either contact the school (Year Advisor or Deputy Principal) or use this online form:

KMHS Bullying Report Form

Anti-Discrimination Policy

At Kariong Mountains High School, we will ensure that all school policies, procedures and practices are non-discriminatory. All school resources and curriculum materials will be carefully selected to ensure they meet these standards. We believe that all students are entitled to participate in a system that is free from racism and prejudice.

Anti-Discrimination Policy

Assessment and Reporting Policy

Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering, analysing and reflecting on evidence to make informed and consistent judgements to improve future student learning. At Kariong Mountains High School, teachers use assessment strategies to inform their practice and engage in dialogue with students and their parents about student progress.

Assessment and Reporting Policy

Attendance Policy

All students who are enrolled at school, regardless of their age, are expected to attend school whenever instruction is provided.

KMHS Attendance Policy

BYOD Information

‘Bring your own device’ (BYOD) refers to students bringing a personally owned device to school for the purpose of learning. The purpose of BYOD is to enhance technology-rich learning for all students at Kariong Mountains High School. There are more opportunities for students to collaborate with others, connect with a global community, receive feedback from teachers, and create products like videos to show their learning.

BYOD Requirements and Responsibilities

BYOD Student Agreement Form

Child Protection Policy

The DoE Protecting and Supporting Children and Young people Policy sets out roles and responsibilities of staff in relation to child protection including training, reporting on safety, and supporting children and young people, as well as monitoring, evaluation and reporting requirements. The information in this document is to inform how policy is actioned at Kariong Mountains High School.

Child Protection Policy

Complaints Policy

The DET has set procedures in place to deal with complaints. Any person can make a complaint, including a student, parent or caregiver, a community member, contractor or volunteer. The information in this document is to inform how policy is actioned at Kariong Mountains High School.

Complaints Policy

Enrolment Policy

This document provides information on local and non-local enrolment policies at Kariong Mountains High School.

Enrolment Policy

Environmental Education Policy

Environmental education is based on the principle of conservation for sustainable development. This involves managing our heritage and natural resources so that they continue to support life.

Environmental Education Policy

Excursions Policy

School excursions are an integral part of the department’s education learning programs and provide students and staff with invaluable experience outside the school environment.

Excursions Policy

Gender Equity Policy

Gender equity is embodied in anti-discrimination and other relevant state and federal legislation. It should inform educational programs and decisions made about school management and procedures.

Gender equity provides not only a framework to improve the educational outcomes for boys and girls, but a solid basis for effective citizenship in the future.

Gender Equity Policy

Homework Policy

At Kariong Mountains High School we believe that homework is part of the learning process and as such is a valuable part of lifelong education. Homework can be a vital part of the home/school partnership which supports young people as they learn. Homework is supported by the NSW Department of Education and Communities in its Policy release of August 2000.

Homework Policy

Multicultural Education Policy

The policy of Multiculturalism recognises, accepts and values the diversity of cultural, racial, religious and political origins of the multitude of Aboriginal and ethnic groups of English and non-English speaking people who have contributed to the development of Australia. By encouraging people to understand and appreciate the cultural diversity within Australian society, multiculturalism promotes harmonious coexistence and enhances the life options available to its people.

Multicultural Education Policy

Playground Duty and Implementation Procedure

Establishing a well-structured playground that promotes opportunities for positive interactions will have a beneficial effect on social, physical and cognitive development. Therefore, it is important that teachers encourage positive playground behavior and respect for their areas. Teachers need to model the behavior that they wish students to adopt.

Playground Duty Policy

Student Behaviour Policy

The Student Behaviour Policy is one of many policies which supports the students of Kariong Mountains High School (KMHS). All students and teachers have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity in an environment free from disruption, intimidation, harassment and discrimination.

Student Behaviour Policy

Student Support Policy

The welfare of students at our school is the responsibility of the whole school community. It is imperative that all staff not only support and respond to the students in their own classrooms, but look for opportunities to acknowledge and support all students in our school. Acknowledgment may be through co-curricular activities, within the playground setting and through involvement in sport.

KMHS Behaviour Support and Management Plan

Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services

Mobile phones, iPods, headphones, Bluetooth devices, earphones/buds and other personal music or communication devices are not permitted for use within the boundaries of the school, on excursions or at school carnivals.

If students have mobile phones at school, they must be switched off or placed in silent mode and secured in their allocated pouch before entering the school grounds.

This policy and implementation procedures document provides a consistent framework for the safe, responsible and respectful use of digital devices and online services by students in our school. It sets out the shared responsibilities of school staff, students and parents and carers. It also provides a framework to manage potential risks to student safety and wellbeing. 

Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services – 2023

Mobile Phone Policy FAQ Guide

Uniform Policy

It is the expectation of our school community that all students attending Kariong Mountains High School will be dressed in the school uniform. It should be the aim of every student to wear the uniform with pride.

Uniform Policy